Denise Wendorff

Tell us about your family.
I have six kids (with spouses)  and six grandchildren!  Love being a mom and grandma!

Describe your job here at The River.
Let's just put it this way, I've been here a long, long time!  My husband, Todd and I started the River!  I work on strategic thinking, staff development and encouraging men and women to become leaders not just followers of Jesus!  I also love inviting and caring for new people into our community at The River!  Most of my focus in on helping create settings where women can grow spiritually!  I love to watch men and women experience what it means to lead others closer to Jesus!

What is your favorite place to eat?
My favorite is Mexican food - anywhere!

In your free time, what do you enjoy doing?
I love to garden, hike, spend time with my kids and grandkids, and play in Lake Arrowhead with Todd!

What is your favorite thing to do in the South Bay?
Be with you!

What is one place you've always wanted to visit?
The Greek Islands!

What is your favorite movie of all time?
Gosh, Pretty Woman :), The Holiday!  Basically, ROMCOM!

What is one thing on your bucket list?
To Hike the Santiago Trail,  go to Bali, see the  whole South Bay covered in the love of Jesus!

Choose one.
Beach or Mountains? Mountain.

Coffee or Tea? 
Lots of coffee.

PC or Mac? 

Early bird or Night owl? 
Early bird.

Ice cream or Froyo?
Ice cream.