Los Angeles Wildfires - Care and Response

It is heartbreaking to witness the destruction caused by the wildfires in our city. Our hearts extend towards those who have been affected by this tragic disaster. We know many in our River community have friends and loved ones who have lost homes and livelihoods in these fires. Join us as we continue to pray and support those in need.

Here are some ways we can step in to help our city. We will update below as we learn more the best and most appropriate ways to respond. 

Have you been affected by the LA Wildfires or know of an immediate need?

Please fill out the form to help us know your specific need, or the need of your friends or family. We will be monitoring these requests and responding to them. 

Ways to Help

Support a Family

We have a list of families connected to our River Community that need immediate attention and specific needs. The River is providing ongoing support to these families and would love for you to participate. Please contact Brooke Andrews at brooke@riversouthbay.org to get involved.

You may also donate financially below under the "River Wildfire Relief Fund." All of the money raised through this fund will go directly to helping the families.


If you have the capacity to host a family in need of lodging, we recommend you go through AirBnB by clicking here. AirBnB is offering temporary housing to those displaced by the wildfires.

Give Financially

Here are the organizations that have been front line responders in providing care and protection for the families in need. You can also go to their websites to see what donations are needed.


In moments of despair and helplessness, we cry out for God to move. Would you join us in praying through Psalm 46? You can pray on your own or join us for Wednesday morning prayer at the River House. Here are two things to be praying for:
(1) Pray for those affected, and for those who trust in the Lord to
maintain a dependence and hope in Jesus.
(2) Pray for wisdom for the leaders who are helping respond to the           needs.