How it started

When founders Todd and Denise Wendorff first began to pray about planting a new church, they dreamed of a warm and inviting place filled with families, friends, and neighbors here in the South Bay. The River Church began on February 7, 2007 with 8 courageous families
joining together for community, worship, teaching, and a love for their community. From the beginning, Isaiah 43:19 was the fuel for their passion—to be a church that trusts God to do great and mighty things and offers spiritual provision to all who are thirsty.

Isaiah 43:19

Behold, I will do something new. Now it will spring forth; will you not be aware of it? I will even make a roadway in the wilderness, rivers in the desert.

Where we're going

The River desires to follow Jesus as he leads this church through the power of the Holy Spirit. As we listen, we hear Jesus guiding us ahead, leading us into "more!" More intimacy in our relationships with God. More time experiencing the presence of God. More generous hearts willing to sacrifice all for Christ's kingdom. More joy in deep relationships. More people experiencing God for the first time. More compassion for those who are suffering. More love for all. More service in humility. More of God in us!

We are being led to MORE, and we are so excited about where Christ is taking us!

Our Mission

Following Jesus into MORE
We are a church passionate about experiencing life giving community; walking together in Christ; and caring about all people. We are hopelessly relational, joining together for weekly gatherings, welcoming friends and family into conversations about God and life. We desire that the love of Jesus celebrated and experienced in the River Church community will overflow into our families, neighborhoods, schools, work places, and clubs and activities—all the places where we are already doing life in the South Bay and beyond.
The River Church is a group of people giving priority toward flourishing in our development, friendships, marriages, raising children, growing in faith and vitality. We have been captured by the vision Jesus embodied—to love God with our whole selves, and our neighbors as ourselves. We are deeply committed to the needs in our community and world, and are raising up and training followers of Jesus to live into their call wherever God leads them.