Hannah Gherardi

Tell us about your family.
I grew up in the South Bay with my parents and two older sisters! My parents and I are the only ones left in the South Bay. I am married to Brandon and we have a dog Moose! My in-laws are also in the South Bay, so Brandon and I get to see our parents a lot, which is a huge blessing! On the Gherardi side, Brandon is the only child of 4 still in the South Bay as well!

Describe your job here at The River.
I work with Cathy in the Children's Ministry doing the volunteer Coordinating and help with other admin needs. I also help Debbie out with church-wide admin needs!

What is your favorite place to eat?
I have so many, I love food! But a place that I will ALWAYS say yes to is In -N- Out!

In your free time, what do you enjoy doing?
I love to cook for my friends and family and have them over for a meal! Brandon and I also love being outside so we will take our dog, Moose, for walks/hikes around the South Bay!

What is your favorite thing to do in the South Bay?
Grab coffee with a friend and walk by the beach!

What is one place you've always wanted to visit?
Vienna, Austria! Its where my grandpa was born!

What is your favorite movie of all time?
She's the Man.

What is one thing on your bucket list?
To travel! Specifically I would love to visit Japan, Austria, Argentina, and Greece.

Choose one.
Beach or Mountains? Beach.

Coffee or Tea? Coffee!!!

PC or Mac? Mac.

Early bird or Night owl? Early bird

Ice cream or Fro yo?  Ice Cream