When God Calls You to Something More

Jan 15, 2023    Todd Wendorff

The reluctant prophet. That is the story of most of the prophets, except eager Isaiah who said, “Here I am, Lord, Send me!” I hate to say it, but I kinda think he’s a bit too happy for me. Jonah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Elijah, I can relate to these guys. Jonah got spit up on the shore of Nineveh. He tried running. Jeremiah needed convincing. Before you were born, I appointed you. How dramatic. Elijah, he was tending his olive orchard and God told him to go to the King of Israel and announce the drought. Ugh. He was halfway through his life when God interrupted his daily routine. Well, I am so sorry!

Don’t think God doesn’t see you hiding from behind that desk, your important duties as a parent, or in school as a student. Move on, nothing to see here. Elijah got called up. It was go time. Each of us will find that to press further into a vibrant faith in Jesus, we will be called out for more. Whether we step up or not is in our court.