The Exodus: God's Grace and Power

Jun 30, 2024    Luke Schroeder

Who do you have for the November fight: Mike Tyson or Jake Paul? Paul, a young gun who specializes in hubris, vs. Tyson, a tried and true fighter. It will be an epic showdown that will be one of the most watched fights in history. Thanks Netflix! It will be fun to watch! This week we are going to watch an even greater showdown - one of the greatest fights in history: The LORD vs. Pharaoh. The LORD, who is seeking to rescue his people from injustice, vs. Pharaoh, the oppressor. This fight, and The LORD's victory becomes one of the primary identity markers for the people of Israel, and an essential part in the Biblical story. Join us to hear how the Exodus fits into the large unified narrative that all leads to Jesus.